Tuesday 24 October 2017

The outcome of my Masters degree

It's been a long time since I last made a post to this blog, primarily because I put it to the back of mind once I completed my MA. For anyone who's visiting, and is curious to know, I graduated with Distinction in July 2016. I enjoyed this research project and am continuing to lecture in Manchester, England.

Since then, I've also been made the course leader for BSc (Hons) Game & Interactive Audio at Futureworks, which was validated back in 2015. The course has started well and is now into its second year of delivery. Aside from that, I'm also continuing to develop my own company, Deft Ear, along with my business partner, specialising in providing a range of outsourced sound solutions for all forms of media, including (of course) video games! Check us out here: www.DeftEar.com

You can find a download link to my final Masters degree submission here, which is a combination of all of the research and outcomes featured on this blog. I encourage you to have a read, use this within your own research if you like, and provide any questions or feedback you may have.

Until next time... Thanks for watching!
