Friday 7 March 2014

DE4106: Learning Agreement

I have finally uploaded my Learning Agreement that will help to define my intended Masters project. Please feel free to leave comments, and suggestions are always welcome.

Explanation / Outline of Project

To design a completely new design model for the emerging genre of video game experience currently known as an “Exploration” game. This is a game that is centred on the emotional experiences of the player, rather than necessarily presenting the player with challenges to overcome. Titles included in this emerging genre are Journey, and Flower (ThatGameCompany), and The Unfinished Swan (Giant Sparrow). Other titles that explore this genre to a lesser extent are Katamari Damacy (Namco) and the upcoming title The Witness (Number None, Inc.). Journey, Flower and The Unfinished Swan have all received critical acclaim and have all sold well upon commercial release. This supports the claim that there is a demand for this type of game. However, despite their success, each game experienced unique development challenges and problems due to the nature of what they were trying to achieve. I believe that this is because the developers were constrained to traditional game design fundamentals- particularly challenge-driven designs- which are not completely appropriate for, or perhaps even compatible with, this genre. This suggests that a new design model is required, that will help future developers fulfil the potential of this genre without experiencing the difficulties experienced by the developers mentioned above.

The Exploration Game model should be designed in such a way that it can be followed by game developers to produce high quality, tailor-made and fit-for-purpose Exploration games across multiple platforms. At the present time, Exploration games are not gender or age specific, so the design model needs to reflect this.

Context / Rationale

Currently all games (according to the author’s knowledge and experience) are designed using challenge-driven design models. As Exploration games are meant to be focused on the emotional experience of the player, presenting challenges to the player both limits and focuses the emotional experience to the endeavour, failures and accomplishments of overcoming the challenges that are presented. This in turn limits the potential of what Exploration games can include and ultimately provide the player in terms of a ‘gameplay’ experience. To overcome this problem, a new model needs to be designed that does not limit the player’s experience to overcoming these challenges, but instead focuses on shaping their emotions through their choices and the subsequent outcomes from these choices. By focusing on the intended emotional responses of the player, a designer can tailor the visual and audible aspects of the game, as well as the gameplay, to maximise the probability of these outcomes. This should be achieved without the use of a challenge-driven experience, which as previously mentioned, limits the emotional responses of the player.

Key Areas of Research

  • Current Exploration games, and the design rationale and methodology behind them. An analysis of these games and a reflection of the designers in terms of success compared to what they set out to achieve.

  • Current game design fundamentals, including rationale.

  • In turn, investigate how most practicing designers would approach a Exploration game if they were tasked to make one. Main considerations should include their perceptions of the genre and what they consider to be important factors/ components when making a game of this type.

  • Toy design fundamentals, as products that are designed to invoke emotional responses in those who use them. This should include key emotional triggers such as exploration, empowerment etc.

  • How games can invoke emotions depending on content and game play?

  • The psychological differences between work and play and how this effects how experiences are perceived.

  • How players perceive Exploration games as game play experiences. In what way(s) they appeal to the player and the rationale behind this?

Intended Outcomes of Project

To invent a new model that is appropriate and acts as a ground-work for Exploration games. The model should include fundamental design guidelines and principles that work together to ensure the player experiences the emotional responses intended by the developer. Depending on the findings of my upcoming research and testing, the model may or may not include challenge-based player objectives. However if these are included, they should not be the driving element behind the design. The model should be compatible with any current gaming platform and should be, to an extent, future-proof. From the key areas of research that I undertake, I intend to use the findings to inform the plans and designs of the model I intend to create. The model can then be tested with the development of prototype games. To keep the outcomes unbiased by my intentions, I aim to have these prototypes developed by game design students (with the possibility of input by practicing professionals). I intend to utilise the Futureworks Game Jams throughout the course of my studies to test the various iterations of the design model. The students will be given certain constraints on the games that they can create based on the principles of the model, although they may not be informed of the intentions of these constraints. This should allow for an unbiased test of the model’s effectiveness to be carried out. Other prototypes may be constructed independently as the model is revised and iterated upon during the design process.

 Date: 20th February 2014

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